JDL Security Tune Up
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Is your computer is running slower than it used to? 

Do you get "pop ups" at random while surfing the internet?

Are you getting warnings about your system privacy?

 Do you have unexplained icons appearing on your desktop and in your Internet favorites?

Does your CD drawer randomly open?  Does your internet seem to crawl?

Our comprehensive SECURITY MAINTENANCE TUNE UP may be just what you are looking for.

JDL Computers is the leader in security.  For only $65.00 plus tax, we will rid your system of ALL spyware, malware, Trojans, adware, viruses, update all windows security updates, install antivirus, defrag your hard drive, and set up a monthly maintenance folder so you can keep your computer running great by performing simple step by step operations each month!  JDL Computers has set the standard for internet security.